Revised 1/03/2005


Heatwole Harold








2nd Ed 1999




The sea is a habitat alien to most reptiles, and the adaptation of sea snakes to a marine existence is a fascinating chapter in biology. Sea Snakes describes the varieties and distributions of sea snakes, how they go about their daily lives underwater, what they eat and what eats them, and how they reproduce and grow.  It also discusses how sea snakes cope with excess salt and scarcity of freshwater, and how they adjust to diving at depth and enduring long periods without breathing.  The nature of their venom and how it functions in subduing large, active prey is also explained.  Sea snakes interact with humans both in beneficial and in harmful ways.  Harold Heatwole explains these and also discusses how we can best share the world with these beautiful and marvelous creatures. The book contains 34 color photographs.

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"Dr. Harold Heatwole is the world expert on sea snakes and this exceptional book is a testimony to the breadth and depth of his knowledge. This attractive edition is easily the single most informative source on the biology of sea snakes…" -- Harold K. Voris, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago.

"Naturalists, divers, students and professional herpetologists alike will welcome this new edition of Harold Heatwole's Sea Snakes. It provides new insights into the lives and habits of a small but fascinating coterie of snakes - most of them highly venomous - and the variety of adaptations they have evolved for surviving and thriving in the sea." -- Hal Cogger, Australian Museum, Sydney.

"Sea Snakes is a true find that is momentous to marine ecology and reptile conservation." -- Jake Burroughs, Notes From Noah, Vol. XXXVII, No. 4

"I highly recommend this volume to both students and teachers of herpetology as well as serious lay readers. Its comprehensive coverage even suggests that a course devoted to the biology of aquatic snakes may soon be an attractive offering." -- Harold K. Voris, Herpetological Review, December 1999

"The photographic quality is excellent…This is undoubtedly an interesting book for anyone interested in herpetology in general and specifically snakes." -- Alan H. Wilkie, The Herptile, March 2000.

"Sea Snakes is a high class book with fine illustrations…I can only give positive statements and a warm recommendation", Thomas Cedhagen, Fil. Dr.--Snoken, Vol. 30, No. 1, 2000

"It is hoped that the availability of Hal Heatwole's excellent book will encourage more sea snake work. No Herp library is complete without it." -- Rom Whitaker, HAMADRYAD, Vol. 25 No. 2, December 2000

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