THRIVING ON AN AGING WORKFORCE: Strategies for Organizational and Systemic Change


Beatty, Paulette T. (Ed.)

Visser, Roemer M. S.



Orig. Ed 2005




U.S. Dollars







By means of a modified Delphi, the editors bring together nationally recognized leaders in the aging workforce arena. With these experts, we find the best minds in America identifying the most crucial issues facing our society as we strive for organizational excellence and prepare for the future with an increasingly aging workforce. These issues are identified: recruiting and retaining older workers; training older workers; career development for older workers; enhancing intergenerational relations; health and older workers; pensions and older workers; and redefining retirement. Each issue is then addressed from two perspectives. In most cases, the perspective of leaders in the field, such as expert consultants, leaders and professionals in professional organizations, acclaimed think tanks, and governmental agencies, is contrasted with the perspective of acclaimed academic scholars from fields such as psychology, sociology, law, and
gerontology, among others. For each issue, the contributors present specific
recommendations for building individual and collective excellence with an aging workforce. In the final chapter, the editors summarize and synthesize these contributions and present strategies that are most likely to result in systemic, organizational change.

"Replete with case studies that demonstrate the complexity of the issues, this book also provides extensive literature and research and a comprehensive reference list.…an essential addition for human resource managers, supervisors, policy-makers, researchers, and adult educators in a time of major demographic shifts and workforce challenges." -- Atlanta Sloane-Seale, Canadian Journal of University Continuing Education, Vol. 31, No. 2, Fall 2005

Thriving on an Aging Workforce is a work nicely balanced between research and practice, with much to attract itself to both academicians and practitioners. The editors have been careful to insure a fundamental orientation to the field of practice, while at the same time recognizing that the employment of an aging workforce will depend not only on the implementation of best-practices strategies but on major policy, legislature, and cultural shifts." -- James C, Fisher, Adult Education Quarterly, February 2006

"… well-written, informative introductions to the basic issues raised by an aging workforce…organizational and political policy makers will be in a better position to raise significant questions as a result of reading Thriving on an Aging Workforce. Finally graduate and undergraduate students in courses in human resources, industrial-organizational psychology, gerontology, and work and professions will find this to be an outstanding introduction to the study of the aging workforce.--Mark Oromaner, Personnel Psychology, March 2006

"This is a "big picture" book, valuable to advisors who want to understand the workforce in its current, evolving state….interesting, well-written, and comprehensive…The organizational format of the book helps readers focus on the substance of core issues as well as on practical remedies for areas of concern." -- Michael H. Turpin, NACADA Journal, Issue 26(1) February 2006

"This book, by addressing concerns and issues related to this growing cadre of workers, fills a current void in the literature base of adult education…provides extensive resources for further reading and study." -- Trenton Ferro, PAACE Journal of Lifelong Learning, Volume 15, 2006

"The entire book has been carefully edited and is free of irritating stylistic variation. For anyone wanting to understand the complexities of the older age workforce and workplace, reading this set of articles is an excellent place to start." -- Brian Findsen, University of Glasgow, Journal of Adult Continuing Education, Spring 2007

"… an interesting and helpful book that should have a wide audience in gerontology, in management, and among human resource professionals. Researchers will find that there are some interesting issues to be considered that I am sure they have never thought of…"--Lynn McDonald, Canadian Journal on Aging, 25 (4)

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