LEARNING THROUGH EXPERIENCE: Troubling Orthodoxies and Intersecting Questions


Fenwick, Tara J.




Orig. Ed 2004




U.S. Dollars







Experiential learning is perhaps the most significant focus today for educators in the workplace, in communities, in literacy education, as well as in colleges and universities. Working from five perspectives of learning, the author examines their contributions to critiques and debates, suggested roles for adult educators, approaches to educational practice, and recent research in experiential learning. She discusses the nature of the intersection between individuals, situations, social relationships, and knowing; and asks, Where educators have an ethical role to play in experiential learning, what purposes and approaches should guide this role? For educators seeking explanations of various theoretical perspectives and current research in experiential learning, this book provides a solid introduction. For those interested in critique, the book also illustrates the oversights embedded in different experiential learning approaches. And for those who want examples, the book presents sample strategies and examples of practice.

"… the ambitious scope of Fenwick's book is successful. Her writing style is clear and crisp, and concepts and explanations are substantiated with a number of examples…an excellent introduction for readers to the literature that relates to experiential learning, which one hopes will entice them into exploring the field in more depth. Her book is also a good reminder to those of us who tend sometimes to concentrate on a particular perspective that there is value in being exposed to other frameworks and paradigms of knowledge." -- Patricia Gouthro, Alberta Journal of Educational Research,

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