
Wang, Victor C.X.  (Ed.)




Orig. Ed 2008




U.S. Dollars







Adult and continuing education continues to evolve as both a strong discipline and a professional field of practice throughout the global community. Both adult educators and adult learners require a common and informed conceptual and theoretical framework to assist them in developing meaningful curricula for adult learners. This book, in a collective and unified manner, describes innovative strategies to developing curricula for adult learners in diverse social, cultural and economic contexts.

"For teacher-practitioners, Wang (vocational and adult education, California State U., Long Beach) assembles eight chapters that describe methods for developing curricula for adult learners who are seeking teaching credentials, by adult education scholars and professionals in the US and Canada, as well as two individuals from police departments.  They discuss principles for instructional design, how to integrate the art and science of helping adults learn, creating curricula based on learners' ideas, working with those from diverse background, sequencing instruction, models, curricula for police officers and firefighters, and strategies based on pragmatic and behaviorist theories."--Reference & Research Book News, November 2008

"…a collection of scholarly essays on adult education and how it can be improved worldwide.  Covering the core principles of the concept and how different professions require different methods, and enhanced with indexes and appendixes with addition information…highly recommended for anyone in charge of adult education."--The Midwest Book Review, December 2008

"Adult learners bring a wealth of knowledge with them---experiences which enrich a classroom and a campus--but they also demand something different from their education.  They want a curriculum that has practical applications for their life and embraces their unique needs...This book provides a wealth of information about the characteristics and unique needs of the adult learner." -- Amy K. O'Dowd, NACADA Journal, Issue 29 (2)

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