
Barnard, Susan M.




Orig. Ed 1996




U.S. Dollars







Written by a professional zoo keeper, this handbook provides the reader with a practical, "hands-on" approach to the husbandry of reptiles, including venomous snakes. The wide variety of topics is presented concisely and in a manner that enables the reader to obtain information quickly. Subjects include nomenclature, taxonomy, anatomy, physiology, selection of species, transporting, handling, housing, hygiene, feeding, nutritional disorders, maintenance of insect colonies, health, medical and necropsy considerations, reproduction, and egg incubation. The appendixes contain information on the origins, climates, habits, habitats, approximate adult sizes, and food preferences of all reptilian genera.

"Presented in a quick and easy to find format, this book is an excellent compilation of information which one would otherwise need to search dozens of references to locate." -- Ken Naugher, Zookeeper I, Montgomery Zoo, Animal Keepers' Forum, Vol. 24, No. 5, 1997.

"This is a very valuable book and it should find its way onto the shelves of every herpetological institution. It not only offers a fund of information to all who have a serious interest in herpetoculture but will also appeal to those professionals, with little or no knowledge of reptiles, who are faced with the prospect of handling these animals." -- David Blatchford, Herpetological Bulletin, Number 74.

"…authoritative presentation of information that every reptile rehabilitator needs." -- Kenneth B. Haas, DVM, Wildlife Rehabilitation Today 2002

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