Revised 1/03/2005


McNamara Leo F.






THE IONOSPHERE: Communications, Surveillance, and Direction Finding


Orig. Ed 1991




In a simple, reader-friendly style, this introductory text describes the ionosphere and its effects on systems which use it, giving particular emphasis to HF communications as well as including sections on the single station location of HF transmitters and over-the horizon radar. It is written for those who must understand or operate these systems and for those who just enjoy knowing how things work. A must-read book for the military high-frequency communicator.

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"I have read this text with great interest and I regard it as the best, most comprehensive and up-to-date in its field." -- Peter L. Dyson, Ph.D., La Trobe University, Bundoora, Victoria, Australia, 1991.                        " certainly a useful addition to the relatively few good books on the subject. While it's aimed primarily at an engineering and professional audience, it's one of the best books I've seen that provides a relatively user-friendly introduction to some of the more advanced topics in HF radio propagation..." -- David A. Rosenthal, Radio Netherlands - Media Network, 1994.                        "...presented in simple terms with a minimum of algebra and no calculus...few books can compete with this on practical aspects of direction finding and position location...The book is not only a MUST for ionospheric radio users but I recommend it as an excellent introduction for students of ionospheric physics..." -- Dr. Kenneth Davies - IEEE, Antennas and Propagation Magazine, 1992.

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