| The Enlightenment, followed by the American, French, and Industrial revolutions, provoked far-reaching political, economic, social and religious changes in the 19th century, which dominated events in the 20th, influencing the course of the 21st century. The papacy found
its authority questioned. The present volume of text and documents focuses on the papal response to the modern world. Included in its pages is the Vatican's response to liberalism, socialism and communism as well as historical events from the French Revolution to the Cold War. It also examines papal neutrality during the World Wars, its attitudes towards racism, and its response to the Holocaust. |
|  |  | | "…the story of the papacy in the twentieth century is particularly well told…this book should be
useful in college and seminary courses." -- John T. Ford, Catholic University of America, Religious Studies Review, Volume 30, Number 1, January 2004 |