TARANTULAS OF BELIZE by Steven B. Reichling
Tarantulas of Belize is a comprehensive overview of all species occurring in this beautiful Central American country. It is both a reference book and a field guide which brings together everything currently known about the tarantulas of the region. Chapters cover ecology, habitats, identification (including a key), how to find them, conservation and
ethical issues, along with a detailed profile, distribution map, and color photograph for every species. An up-to-date reference that presents the tarantulas in the wild, this book is a must for professionals, hobbyists, and naturalists.
Steven B. Reichling
is Curator of Reptiles at the Memphis Zoo, and manages the Zoo's native butterfly exhibit. Although heavily involved in the captive management of reptiles and amphibians, he also pursues ecological studies in the field, leading him on numerous trips to Central America and the Lesser Antilles. In addition to being a professional herpetologist, he is intensely interested in tarantulas and has been studying them in Belize for many years. He received his PhD from the University
of Memphis after studying the relationship between maternal care by tarantulas and phenotypic plasticity in the spiderlings. CONTENTS | PREFACE ACKNOWLEDGMENTS CHAPTER 1: A Tarantula Hunter's Diary CHAPTER 2: Physiography and History CHAPTER 3: The Tarantula in Context CHAPTER 4: Why Care About Tarantulas? CHAPTER 5:
Why Worry About Tarantulas? CHAPTER 6: Tarantula Habitats CHAPTER 7: The Hidden Life of Belizean Tarantulas CHAPTER 8: How to Find Tarantulas CHAPTER 9: Collecting and the Law CHAPTER 10: How to Identify Belizean Tarantulas
Key to the Tarantulas of Belize | CHAPTER 11: Species Accounts Pygmy Tarantulas Pygmy Tarantula, Reichlingia annae Highland Pygmy Tarantula, Reichlingia sp. Typical Tarantulas Mexican Redrump Tarantula, Brachypelma vagans Livingston Tarantula, Citharacanthus livingstoni Cayo Tarantula, Citharacanthus meermani Cinnamon Tarantula, Crassicrus lamanai Gutzke's Tarantula,
Metriopelma gutzkei Arboreal Tarantulas Maya Tarantula, Psalmopoeus maya Costa Rican Orangemouth Tarantula, Psalmopoeus reduncus Chapter 12 Extralimital Species Chapter 13 Beyond Belize Gazetteer Bibliography Glossary |