Wheels Up: Airline Business Plan Development" is unique because it concentrates specifically on the airline business rather than generic businesses. It incorporates features other plan books neglect. Modern trends are identified and discussed in detail to help the reader understand the importance
of creating flexibility within the business plan. Flexibility is vital for an airline to be successful in today's increasingly competitive environment. Failure to understand recent and future trends in a new aviation environment could lead to failure. This second edition is aimed at a variety of readers including academic students, both undergraduate and graduate, business professionals, and entrepreneurs. It concentrates on business plan development suitable for airlines of all sizes, from
single-engine single pilot operations to international jet operations. Regardless of a company's size, the main elements of the airline business plan remain the same. |
| | "Wensveen (business, U. of Maryland and U. of West Indies) details how to
design and develop business plans for airlines of all sizes, from single-engine pilot operations to international jet operations, emphasizing flexibility in the plan. He first introduces the airline industry, focusing on global issues, and compares generic and airline business plans, and then enumerates common mistakes, the non-disclosure agreement, the executive summary, mission, strategy, business introduction, and other aspects. A sample is provided. The volume is meant for undergraduate
and graduate students, business professionals, and entrepreneurs and airline professionals." -- Reference & Research Book News, November 2007 |